This quarter their have been some situations that possibly can be avoided in the future. Everyone has to pay their bills as we all know. It is at times all we can do is just take care of ourselves. Trusted servants in AA are human and it is understandable to forget to pay AA's bills. The electricity at Area 64 Archives was terminated for a short period of time this quarter for non payment. There was a notification left at the Murfreesboro Group mailbox the day before  the juice was turned off. Short notice for the Archives Trusted Servants. After several phone calls to find out what was going on they turned the  juice off the next morning. About one hour later the juice was turned back on. This was a minor inconvienence this time. Although an expensive mistake for the termination and fee for turning juice back on. This must be paid every month, so we might consider something as simple as automatic draft or bill pay. There has been at least three occasions in the recent past that our rent was not paid on schedule. This should be very embarrassing to Area 64 Archives. This to could be easily set up on automatic payment to avoid the delayed or late payments. Another situation we ran into this quarter was the loss of our phone service, as of this writing is still off for unknown reasons which allows the alarm service to work and allows access to the internet as well as phone service. There was a lady from Serenity Group in Murfreesboro starting a Archives at their group that visited on Saturday October 8, 2005 while our Chairman Tom N. greeted her and explained the starting procedures of a Archives Repository and provided her with several pieces of literature. We discovered the phone not working as we were trying to show her information on Area 64 Archives Website. So with that in mind we have addressed a couple problems that can be avoided in the future pretty simply. One other thing is our postage situation. The address 801b North Maney Ave. is shared with the Murfreesboro Group and is totally a different entity than Area 64 Archives. We have received mail many times by it simply being posted to the local bulletin board in the Maney House. We do not have keys to or access to the mailbox that the mail is delivered to. Thus you may see a problem here. Notice of the electric bill cutoff possibly would have helped in the above situation. A suggestion here might be for  our committee to check with the post office and see about placing our own mailbox at our building and or a post office box. Food For Thought

DEVELOPING A COLLECTION From GSO Guidelines                                                   

Books, pamphlets, world directories, local meeting lists, G.S.O. bulletins, Conference Reports, International Convention booklets, newsletters, area and district minutes, written histories, photographs and audiotapes all serve as the foundation of a collection. The archivist might also arrange to audiotape local old-timers, thus adding historical oral histories to the collection. Local A.A. historical material, such as letters, bulletins and photographs, need to be sought out and accumulated in an ongoing manner from old-timers, past delegates, various committee members and so on. It is important to note that whenever a donation is made to an archives, written documentation be recorded indicating that the material has been presented to the archives (rather than to an archivist) to avoid any misunderstanding later on regarding ownership of the donation. The archivist can contact other local archives for ideas by asking the G.S.O. archivist to forward the list of those archives who have indicated a willingness to exchange information. In addition, archives committees can participate in and publicize local history-gathering efforts, making presentations, and offering table displays at many A.A. events, such as old-timer meetings, conventions, roundups.
Refer to pg. 8                     reprinted with permission.

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