Archived Guestbook
Philyra | 09/Jun/2002:02:27:59 | |
Quite a good site you have here! | ||
Lara | 08/Jun/2002:00:27:17 | |
Marvelous website. Well done! | ||
Susan | 31/May/2002:05:35:35 | |
Hello everyone |
Milton C. | 29/May/2002:22:04:15 | |
Just lookin' around. Love the current events flyers.
Lets me know what's going on in distant parts of our area when I don't have a paper copy of a flyer. We have a long ways from one end of Area 64 to the other. Some of us in West TN will experience that this fall coming to the 2002 State Convention in Kingsport. Looking forward to our next Area 64 Events. Milton in TN DOS 06/06/85 |
Darrell N. | 03/May/2002:13:19:52 | |
Super site. I sure am glad I can get what I need from
this site. You are doing a great job. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. keep it going and remember.....if no one has told you that they love you today....Let me be the first. Love you lots. |
Jeff B. | 23/Apr/2002:04:04:48 | |
This is the most informative and awesome website
concerning AA that I have seen. Glad its still here to view. Thanks so much for everyones hard work. Im not able to drive myself to Murfeesburo right now because of past license problems. Im glad this was here so I would have a chance to see it. This has really made my day. Charlie, David, Julie, thanks so much for your continued hard work. Jethro |
Mike C. | 26/Feb/2002:18:34:28 | |
Greeting to All from Maine. This is a fantastic job you have done here with your webpage. I will pass it on to the fellowship here. I will be a regular visitor to you page. Thanks for sharing. Mike |
Tracey B. | 25/Jan/2002:20:48:21 | |
I'm very impressed with your patience to be able to put
this together in such an interesting way. Well done and very impressive. Thanks for your hard work. ~Tracey B. |
Ray J. | 25/Jan/2002:03:16:08 | |
I was very impressed while visiting the archives during
the grand opening after our assembly in Murphysboro. This experience of revisiting on line is the next best thing to being there. I am very gratefull for the dedication to Jim D. and everyone else who helped to give us in Tn. a second to none archives to be proud of. |
Kim C. | 19/Dec/2001:18:49:26 | |
Home group: Traditions (Memphis) Looks great. I'm really proud of the Archives Committee for all their hard work. Thanks!! |
Debi B. | 23/Oct/2001:03:58:58 | |
Fabulous site! Can't wait to see what you all dig up to
add to the collection. Debi B. Memphis, TN |
Pat G. | 21/Oct/2001:03:32:27 | |
I visited the archives a few months ago. It was great! I
just now found the web site. I like it also. Keep up the good work. Love in the fellowship. Pat G. TGIS Group (Thank God Im Sober) Memphis, Tennessee |
Waymon H | . 14/Oct/2001:13:27:48 | |
This is good...I help with a lot of meetings
online...come check us out with an open mind. |
Glenn B. | 06/May/2001:19:18:54 | |
Great site. Thanks for the effort you put into it. | ||
Pam B. | 14/Apr/2001:17:10:39 | |
I'm grateful to have access to "us" even from
home! Great site! Thanks y'all! |
Don A. | 11/Apr/2001:22:58:04 | |
Just visiting | ||
Diana D. | 11/Apr/2001:21:06:25 | |
4/11/01 DCM for District 21- Homegroup Midtown in Memphis I just returned from the Area 64 Business Assembly in Paris Landing and I am grateful to be a part of. The website is great! |
Sandy J. | 27/Mar/2001:21:41:50 | |
Moved to TN from Tampa, Florida - I want to learn as
much about my new "home" as possible. Thanks! |
Brian A. | 21/Feb/2001:13:27:16 | |
I just moved from Nashville to Evanston Wy. Big
mistake!!!!!!!!! Thank God u guys are here, To give me a little piece of home. Trying to get back. But this help's till I do. Grate job, Keep it up!!! |
Debbie S | 09/Feb/2001:22:53:51 | |
This is my first time to the site will definately come
back. Just moved to TN. You folks are great . |
Robert D. | 15/Jan/2001:06:47:00 | |
Area 75 Southern Wisconsin | ||
Robert D. | 15/Jan/2001:06:44:39 | |
great | ||
Robert/Tina K. | 02/Jan/2001:19:43:45 | |
First visit. We are enjoying the website.THANKS!!!! | ||
Sandra M. | 24/Nov/2000:05:20:45 | |
Western Washington Area 72, District 14 Archivist. Nice job ! |
Janet M. | 12/Nov/2000:14:59:12 | |
We keep growing and going. | ||
Terry L | 11/Nov/2000:05:15:16 | |
Congrats! Keep up the good work. Teryy L. Associate Archivist Area 04, Arkansas |
Rick B. | 22/Oct/2000:23:18:54 | |
FANTASTIC SITE!!! Just returned from the Area 64 4th
Quarter Assembly in Clarksville and was looking forward to surfing in here. Best Wishes to the Archives're work is very exciting!!! Again, THANKS. |
Milton C. | 17/Oct/2000:00:21:13 | |
My first visit to the web site. Certainly not my last.
Denise and I have had the opportunity to visit the Archives Facility and present some early books, etc. from founders and first members of our home group. The service that the Archives Committee is doing in Tennessee, for todays members, and those yet to come, is to be commended. Keep up the good work and continue to carry our past message to members. How can we know where we're going if we don't know where we've been? God Bless, Milton and Denise |
dennis | 18/Sep/2000:20:16:39 | |
word | ||
Dick B. | Alcoholics Anonymous History: Dick B.'s Works on E | 22/Aug/2000:18:40:00 |
Excellent site. Hope this sets a strong trend and
precedent for our hard-working archivists around the country. God Bless, Dick B. |
Imogene Sawvell D. | 06/Jul/2000:01:39:39 | |
Researching Howe's, Williams that married in
Shelbyville, Tenn. in 1824. Moses Batten and wife Patsy Haywood last seen in 1840 Carroll County, Tennessee. Looking for parents of Levi Feaster md. Elizabeth Reed in 1809 Washington County, Tenn. and ended up in McMinn County until they came to Missouri by 1850. Also looking for the family of John Ray that was in McMinn County that had daughter Sarah. |
Devon W. | 15/Jun/2000:20:27:53 | |
I am really enjoying the sights on this page. I am a
member of the Nooners group, District 28, Area 64, Jackson, Tennessee. |
Carrie G. | 14/May/2000:21:12:03 | |
I'm trying to trace any people (past and present) with
the "Gulline" surname. Please contact me if you have any info. Thank you |
Joy B. | Joy's Recovery Page | 12/May/2000:14:52:08 |
Dave you did a great job in revamping this site. I am
proud to be a member of the area 64 Archives. I have the hope and asperations that this will continue to grow and prosper. as for the use of the big book on line. as long as it is a link to there web page and we have not copied it and put it on our site then it is fine. They give permission for people to link to there site. Great job again. Joy |
Rob S. | Northeast Ohio General Service, Area 54 | 16/Apr/2000:04:23:30 |
Enjoyed the site, but have to question the use of the
Big Book without permission from the copywrite holder. In Love and Service, Rob Sebastian Delegate Area 54, Panel 49 |
adam j. | 21/Feb/2000:02:53:50 | |
Great site. We are trying to get our archives organized
in Florida. Thanks for the inspiration. |
Garys D | 07/Feb/2000:23:56:04 | |
Hello everybody | ||
Lisa R. | 24/Jan/2000:16:24:05 | |
This is really a great site. I have had the honor of
personally visiting our State Archives and the people there do a GREAT job of keeping everything so nice. I am proud to be a member of Primary Purpose, District 22, Area 64, Memphis, TN. I can't wait to visit again because I know everytime I do, there is something new for me to see and learn. Thank you Bill W. and Dr. Bob 8/13/98 |
. | 24/Jan/2000:15:38:15 | |
This is really a great site. I have had the honor of
visiting our State Archives and the people there do a GREAT job of keeping everything so nice. I am proud to be a member of Primary Purpose, District 22, Area 64, Memphis, TN. I can't wait to visit again because I know everytime I do, there is something new for me to see and learn. |
Dale G. | 30/Nov/1999:22:31:49 | |
Hey! I really like the web site. I have looked at
several of them around the US and this is SUPER! I am proud to be a member of the BEST Area in AA. Have a great day. |
Wayne E. H. | 22/Nov/1999:01:23:33 | |
rick t. | 08/Nov/1999:02:10:04 | |
Glad to visit your Archives website again, and hopefully
someday will visit Murfreesboro in person. As past Secretary for the 1999 Archives Workshop in Arlington Heights, Illinois-thanks to all who participated! missed the Tennessee crew, though...What you are continuing to present out of the Tennessee A.A. Archives Committee is a great joy to see, I hope you continue. In service and serenity, Rick T. Northern Illinois Area 20 Archivist |
john d. | 25/Oct/1999:05:31:29 | |
what an awesome site. iwill keep coming back |
Chris F. | Recovering Professionals | 23/Oct/1999:17:53:32 |
Great idea! I will check out your site when I get home.
My sobriety started in Nashville. I look forward seeing what you have to say about the folks who passed it on to me. By the Grace of God Chris 8/7/66 |
Sonny G. | 23/Oct/1999:17:48:34 | |
We have just recently purcghased 3 display cases for the
archives of Districts #80,81,82,83, -&- 84. We're very proud of the amount of items we have accumulated for our cases. We have so much that we've set up a rotation schedule to try and get all of the items some time on display. The turn out has been tremenous and everyone comments on how much they ejoy looking at the history of AA in our area. Thanks to AA and it's dedication to spreading the word of sobriety and recovery, we have a history that we can be proud of and a future full of hope. |
Doug K., Jr. | N/A | 19/Sep/1999:17:45:22 |
Charles M. | 13/Sep/1999:16:57:05 | |
I am so very proud of the professional job that is being
administered to our Archives and the web site. When I got sober in 1984 there was no Internet, email and very few home computers. Today we can stay in touch with other recovering people on a regular basis outside the meeting rooms. This web page makes it possible to keep your finger on the heartbeat of AA in Tennessee. We have come a long way but I am certain that more will be revealed. |
Carolyn B. | 24/Aug/1999:13:53:01 | |
Very nice, enjoyed the tour on line. So grateful we have this, hope it never stops. My fellow AA friends keep up the good work. |
Carey T. | 24/Aug/1999:10:01:49 | |
Just getting started viewing your site. Looks good from
here: Area 15, District8 Archives Committees. See you in Chicago. |
Robert D. | 24/Aug/1999:06:26:03 | |
Very Nice see you at the archivists workshop in Illinois |
Daggerrose | Tennessee State Archives | 03/Aug/1999:14:08:13 |
Welcome to your Tennessee State Archives site. We are
glad you surfed in here. Take time to browse around, enjoy our chat room, or Bulletin Board. Bookmark now. We will try to have upcoming events posted. If you have information concerning your group, please let us know. Thanks again and Keep Coming Back. Page 164 Last two paragraphs Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. Blue Skies, Daggerrose |
Revised 01/02/2003