Gene S.

District 12

Gene S. writes his description of  his early days with the Murfreesboro Group.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Presently AA is located at 801 North Maney Avenue, formerly our meetings were held at 510 Memorial Blvd.

In 1978, three (3) meetings a week and one on Sunday mornings at 9:30 A.M. were held in Murfreesboro, other meetings in surronding areas were held on nights other than ours, we visited each other quite often. By 1981 our group began to hold meetings every night at 8:00 PM. We also held informal meetings at noon most days ( our brown bag ) lunch meeting.

We began to grow quite rapidly and the meeting space began to get smaller. Something had to be done about it. For years the old timers in the group had talked about getting our own building, but where, how and when? Not easy questions to be answered.

With God's help and guidance it did happen; it had to be a practical approach. We met at Farrar Brothers Ace Hardware to discuss our plans. There were probably 60 to 70 people attending meetings at our group at that time and 43 of us decided to be responsible to pay dues of $10.00 per month to insure that the mortgage would be paid by the non-profit organization that was formed.

We elected a board of directors; seven (7) to begin with. We secured the land from one of our members and decided what type of structure to build. We chose a simple plan, plenty of windows to off set costs and three brick walls. We left the end wall vinyl siding for future expansion, grandiose thinking or not, we thought we might need to expand some day! Fortunately, we had and have in our group plenty of skilled workers, plumbers, electricans, brick layers, concrete finishers, and bull dozer operators. So, you see we didnt need outside contractors and that cost was avoided. Others helped with the legal end of getting the Charter for the new non-profit organization, dealing with the city, county and stste codes and other involvements. Not knowing we were building in a historical section proved to be a problem, but several members met with these kind people and they granted thier permission once they realized the enhancement we could bring to the neighborhood and the real community service we provide for the suffering alcoholic.

Fotunately for us money was not a real big issue, the land and the building were used as collateral at the bank along with 3 or 4 signatures. Which ones? Does it matter? Remember we had 43 AA members committed to $10.00 each month, it was a joint effort and it still is to this day. Plus, we had our donations to the 7th. Tradition, that the group uses to pay thier rent and other expenses.

Construction began in early 1985. Our first meeting was held at 8:00 PM  Sayurday on May 17,1985. We continued our regularly scheduled meetings at 8:00 PM each night and on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM.

Twelve years have passed and with them a tremendous amount of growth in the group has taken place. Our program has not only grown in membership, but we have grown spiritually as well; we have learned a great deal about ourselves, and experienced unity among ourselves and really what the fellowship and the program of Alcoholics Anonymous can do to help itself and the community. We have not always agreed but, the issues were settled when we realized that we needed to agree for the benifit of the group and Serenity House, Inc. in our own minds. They are two seperate entities operating hopefully for the good of the suffering alcoholic.

Our plan was simple and it still is! Regardless of what takes place, we want the hand of AA to be there for others yet to come and for us to enjoy now, and utilize for AA's primary purpose.

In the early 90's someone suggested a 5:30 PM meeting. The group conscious was taken and decided to permit meetings three (3) times a week--- it worked out real well, and we now meet at 5:30 PM every day of the week.

Later someone asked if we could have a meeting in the mornings, but what time? Group conscious decided that since we had a meeting on Sundays at 9:30 AM why not try it for 3 days a week at 9:30 AM. The meetings worked so well, group conscious decided to meet everyday at 9:30 AM. Now, we have 21 meetings a week.

You may have noticed by now that surnames have not been used in this letter. This is the very spirit of AA As individuals we can't do much but as a whole, working together, we can accomplish anything with God's help.

From the very beginning each mamber has played an important role in getting established, our ALAnon members as well. Each of you can be of help in maintaining our effort; by getting involved, resolving your commitment to the betterment of AA in Murfreesboro, our State, our Nation, and AA World Wide!




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