Correctional Facilities
The Area 64 CFC Chairperson coordinates the efforts of the Area 64 CFC Committee which
is comprised of District and Group Representatives and any other interested A.A. members.
The purpose of the CFC Committee is to organize and carry out the work of carrying A.A.?s
message of recovery to alcoholics behind the walls and to help ?Bridge the Gap? from inside
the facility to the outside A.A. community. The chairperson of the Area 64 CFC Committee:
A. Assists districts and groups in solving problems related to setting up A.A. meetings in
correctional facilities in their districts.
B. Helps members of the CFC Committee acquire A.A. books and literature as needed.
C. Attends all Area 64 Assemblies and reports to the Assembly body the pertinent business
of the Area 64 CFC Committee.
D. Encourages committee to become familiar with ?Bridging the Gap? and other A.A.
programs designed to help inmates.
E. Makes available a CFC Display at all Area 64 Assemblies, State Conventions and, by
request, at Area Workshops and other service events upon reasonable prior notification.
F. Chairs the Area 64 CFC Committee meetings.
G. In the absence of the Area 64 CFC Chairperson, the Alternate Chairperson will assume
Chairperson?s responsibilities.
The Area 64 Grapevine Chairperson coordinates the efforts of the Area 64 Grapevine Committee
which is comprised of District and Group Representatives and any other interested A.A.
members. The primary purpose of the Grapevine Committee is to inform groups and individuals
about the International Monthly Journal of Alcoholics Anonymous and the many benefits that can
be derived through the Grapevine Subscription. The Chairperson of the Area 64 Grapevine
A. Encourages the use of the Grapevine in the Twelve Step work of other Standing
B. Coordinates in the most effective manner the flow of information, creating awareness of
the Grapevine Magazine and of the Specialty Items from Grapevine Inc. from the Area 64
Assembly to Districts, Groups and A.A. members.
C. Attends all Area 64 Assemblies and reports to the Assembly body the pertinent business
of the Area 64 Grapevine Committee.
D. Makes available a Grapevine Display at all Area 64 Assemblies, State Conventions and,
by request, at Area Workshops and other service events upon reasonable prior
E. Chairs the Area 64 Grapevine Committee meetings.
F. In the absence of the Area 64 Grapevine Chairperson, the Alternate Chairperson will
assume Chairperson?s responsibilities.
Public Information
The Area 64 Public Information Chairperson coordinates the Area 64 Public Information
Committee which is comprised of District and Group Representatives and any other interested
A.A. members. The purpose of the Area 64 Public Information Committee is to provide
information about A.A.?s message of recovery to the general public. The Chairperson of Area 64
Public Information:
A. Acquires and maintains recorded A.A. public service announcements for the use of
District and Group Public Information Committees.
B. Helps committee members work with their local media utilizing our traditions of
anonymity, singleness of purpose, non-affiliation, and attraction rather than promotion.
C. Supports Districts and Groups in their Public Information efforts by coordinating
workshops on speaking at non-A.A. meetings and other related topics.
D. Attends all Area 64 Assemblies and reports to the Assembly body the pertinent business
of the Area 64 Public Information Committee.