How Important Is It?  $$$  Area 64 Archives Coordinator Position

We have created a very necessary position here @ Area 64 Archives. We have a Chairperson that rotates every two years. With this rotation goes the responsibilities of that chairperson. This position already has guidelines that tell us what that trusted servant is charged to do in their reign. We also have the other areas covered with some suggested guidelines, Archivist, Treasurer, Alt. Chairman, Secretary. These are all very important positions. We could double up on responsibilities. Lets say let the treasurer and secretary become one. Or lets say Chairman and Coordinator be one. Or let the Archivist and Treasurer be just one. Well maybe you can see my point. We have willing servants that carry out certain responsibilities. Then again sometimes we have people with titles that do not serve their responsibilities. One possible reason at times they cannot meet these responsibilities is that we expect too much from a voluntary servant. Okay back to the title of this article. How Important Is It? Area 64 Archives Coordinator? Charles M. has done a very outstanding job in this position. I know because I hear from him at least three times a week. Each conversation is concerning what is happening in the Area 64 Archives, not about Charles M. I know that as I write this The Mouth Of The South a.k.a. Charles M. is or has been in a Area AA Meeting sometime today and at some point he related information concerning Area 64 Archives to someone who may or may not be interested. Now please show me one other person in the state of Tennessee that does this on a daily basis with or without a title. Now facts are facts. To find a Chairman that can, will, do this daily as well as transport the Traveling Archives across the state is asking I believe for too much out of one Trusted Servant. Every one knows that our Coordinator has a Passion for Area 64 Archives and this does not happen overnight. It comes from many years of service and dedicated commitment. From the very start of our Precious Memories there have been many Servants. They all saw a vision that was very desperately needed. As the dream has evolved some of the later Servants actually got to dump the wheelbarrow that all the previous Servants filled up. So we give credit at times where the credit actually does not belong. So as this weekend progresses and you participate in making decisions for Area 64 Archives, be sure to say a big Thank You to all the previous Servants that carried the staff when no one cared. Also get more involved and help to make a more informed decision in our Area 64 Archives. It's pretty easy to sit back with our egos and pride and make uninformed decisions as we pat ourselves on our back. This is not knocking the wisdom of a committee it is simply stating that uninformed decisions many times cause us to re create the Wheel. Lets not make the mistake of terminating the Title/position of our Area 64 Archives Coordinator.


How much pain they have cost us, the evils which have never happened.  ~Thomas Jefferson


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