The Area 64 Archives Committee gave the Archivist a check to pick up a L-50 toner cartridge from Staples in Murfreesboro. The usual expense is around $150.00 this cartridge is suppose to make 3000 to 4000 copies. Staples now has a re conditioned cartridge that is supposed to give about 5% more copies and the same quality. So we opted to give it a try. The good thing if it works is there is a savings as the Staple brand sells for $139.00. The copies you are viewing are with the Staples brand so you can be the judge. One minor problem is that the copier we have shows the total number of copies made This does not reflect the number of each item made. In other words it shows that we have copied 3542 items not that we made 99 copies of many of those items. So with that said we haven't kept or accurately know how many copies one toner cartridge will give us. Staples charges 7 to 9 cents per copy according to paper quality and like 99 cents for a color copy. We are getting the Archives information out at a much cheaper rate than that.

Rusty R. Archives Chair

Tony S. Alternate Chair

Tina K. Secretary

Herb H. Treasurer

If you have any questions or problems contact the Area 64 Archives Coordinator Charles M. @ (901) 289-1549

Area 64 Archives Wish List

1: $$$  to provide the trusted servants with the needed tools to do their jobs.
2: Large Capacity External Hard drive for Tape to Digital Storage.
3: 3 good quality recorders for Chairman, Archivist, Coordinator, Volunteer.
4: Always the need for Glass Display Cases.
5: Book Press

Heard @ a Meeting

I jist loves this way of livin.

Cecil D.

Why did you say you had a felony?
Well I shot at somebody and accidentally hit them.

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