10th Annual National Archives Workshop

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

September 14 - 17, 2006

Preserving Our Past For Our Future

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Holiday Inn was a great place to have our 10th N.A.W.

The Banquet Dinner was a real treat.

The $79.00 a night rate was not to bad for the really nice and clean rooms.

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These two photos show some hands on techniques for repairing holes in precious documents.

It is very uncomfortable taking photos in AA functions when so many people misunderstand the principle of Anonymity.

So we limited the hands on workshop photos for the sake of the few.

Maybe we can find some balance and or some guidelines here for future events that will enable us to pass these great events on at this new public level excluding recognizable faces of course.

There were as always many wonderful tips and professional experiences in this hands on workshop that are too numerous to even mention. 

Thanks to all who made this event possible. Keep up the GOD work Bob. W. & Crew.

You all know who you are.

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A great looking schedule provided to attendants with {Last names deleted.} for use here at the level of press radio and films.

Principle of Anonymity Respected.

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  A simple note taken during event on pads conveniently provided by the Hotel.

1: 110 registered by Friday night 6:30 p.m.

B: 124 total registered.

2: November 3, 1975 G.S.O. Archives opened.

3: If you want Markings or web links send email to archives@aa.org

This email goes directly to Amy the new Trusted G.S.O. Archivist.

She promises to respond to your email.

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A Precious Archive given to attendants from the July 5-8, 1990 International Convention.

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A great looking schedule provided to attendants with last names edited for use here at the level of press radio and films.

{Last names deleted.}


National AA Archives Workshop Planning Guidelines & Proposed Amendments.

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11 Annual National Archives Workshop

Phoenix, Arizona

September 6-9, 2007

"Preserving Our Heritage To Pass It On"

Contact: Vicki Jo B. (602)-995-7349 or (602)-272-1347

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I was surprised and saddened to see only two Area Archives with displays.

Flyers picked up over the weekend.

Future Events

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revised 09/18/2006